AD Plastik launches private 5G network with OIV and Nokia

Author: Editorial
event 17.01.2022.
Foto: Shutterstock

Croatian telecom services provider Odašiljači i veze (Transmitters and Communications), aka OIV, and car parts maker AD Plastik have started the new year with the launch of the OIV 5G PrivateN-et network. This is a trial operation of a network that does not use the resources of the public mobile communications network. OIV says that this is not an upgrade on the existing 4G network, and Nokia has provided the equipment.

For the time being, the network is set up within an area of the AD Plastik production plant, where it will provide a 5G signal of high speed and low latency, so the partners hope to improve business processes, enable business intelligence development, and enhance business automation.
Marinko Došen, CEO of AD Plastik Group, said in a statement:

Industry 4.0 is our reality and we must be prepared to continue its implementation. 5G technology, in addition to being a hundred times faster than the existing one, allows us to simultaneously connect smart and digital devices that we use every day in our production, which will be even more prevalent in the future. Put simply, at the moment it is the basis for connecting devices that will help us in the production and delivery process, and for the future we create the preconditions to build a modern, digitalized, and promising company.

The state-owned OIV pointed out that they consider the 5G network a key to further development in the decade to come, and they see the potential for this new technology to drive the recovery and further development of the industry. OIV 5G PrivateNET opens up the possibility of GPS-based control of autonomous ground vehicles in closed areas, integration and automation of storage facilities, geomapping of plant operation assets, and route navigation within the warehouse, OIV explained. The company already has at its disposal remote monitoring of production processes through advanced video surveillance, mobile inspection or real-time drone footage, security monitoring, traffic monitoring, and remote control of equipment in hazardous environments; as well as the ability to improve the quality control process for their products, efficacy, and safety by tracking the robots, equipment, and people at factories, and the level of protection of health and safety of plant workers.

The supplier, Nokia, which offers its Digital Automation Cloud – a high-performance, end-to-end private wireless networking and edge computing platform – designed to meet mission-critical industry needs, said that with the NDAC 5G private wireless network, AD Plastik gets a wireless network of the highest reliability, ensuring strong data security and low latency for all its industrial operations.

The business improvement of AD Plastik illustrates how much impact the next generation 5G network has on the global economy, and how the technology that enables it lays the foundation for the fourth industrial revolution.


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